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Invisible Game
English Speaker Sheet
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Müller KM, Binckebank L, Faulhaber V, Scheibel M (2022) Implizite Preismessungen – Verbessertes Forecasting im Controlling. Marketing Review St. Gallen. 1(2022): 888-894
Müller KM (2021) 12-teilige Serie "Preismanagement". Staatsanzeiger Baden-Württemberg. 2021: Ausgaben 31-42
Müller KM (2021) The mind of the seller: How NeuroPricing™ revolutionized the sales and pricing strategy of an insurance company, I·VW-HSG Trendmonitor 2(2021), 30-32
Poland E, Donner TH, Müller KM, Leopold DA, Wilke M (2019) Thalamus exhibits less sensory variability quenching than cortex. Scientific reports. May 20;9(1):7590
Baldo D, Parikh H, Piu Y, Müller KM (2015) Brain waves predict success of new fashion products: A practical application for the footwear retailing industry, Journal of Creating Value 1(1), 61-71.
Herbes C, Friege C, Baldo D, Müller KM (2015) Willingness to pay lip service? Applying a neuroscience-based method to WTP for green electricity, Energy Policy (87), 562-572
Müller KM (2010) Pricing using novel tools from neuroscience, The Pricing Advisor, 11/2010, 1-4